
这一座献给钢铁侠的纪念碑,建立于他在影史上牺牲的这一年,是为了赞美Tony Stark,这个为了他所信仰的理念牺牲一切的人。也是为了提醒我们,我们才是这个时代的主角,人类的未来取决于我们的决定,而我们每个人都需要成为英雄。

“The first monument dedicated to Iron Man in the year of his cinematographic death, is to celebrate Tony Stark, the man who sacrifices his life to fight for the ideals he believes in. Reminding us that we are the protagonists of our era, that the future of mankind depends on our decisions, that all of us need to be heroes.”


雕塑置放于意大利,托斯卡纳区,卢卡市下的一个海边小镇Forte dei Marmi,现已成为影迷打卡景点。

